Monday, August 4, 2008

Who is cooler than me?

My mom, that's who. 

She has a blog that is legitimately interesting.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Resemblance is Uncanny. OR Famous people I kind of look like. Or SoPeople Tell Me.

As all my avid and observant readers have figured out by now, I live a life of leisure that leaves me to pursue the important things in life such as vanities, eating bonbons, cosmetic procedures, and being paralyzingly lonely. And scathingly parroting a friendly acquaintance's blog.

1. Goldie Hawn.
I don't see it much anymore but when I was about 9 I looked freakishly like a satanic version of Private Benjamin. Now I just look freakish.

2. Iggy Pop.
It's really true.

3. Gilda Radner.
The only real difference between Gilda and me is that she is actually funny.

4. Jeff Goldblum.
I used to think he was one of the most appealing men on earth. And then I realized it was like looking into a mirror. I would make a moderately attractive male.